Friday, 20 March 2009

Blog neglect

I used to love blogging, documenting my life and the things i find while browsing the net. I really don't know what has happened! I've not updated anything on here for over 3 months.

I am definetly going to be posting alot more over the next few months.

Well I'm now working for the flying duck (which is good fun) and run a night called Mumble club promoting experimental music around glasgow. Theres been 3 so far and all have been alot of fun. The next one is going to be on the 2nd of April at the Twisted Wheel. So far confirmed are Louts, Animals and War, The Radiation Line, and DJ sets by Yoko,Oh No! and GATR. I'll post the poster next week which will have all the details.

I'm heading down to london next week for Yes Way festival. I'm really excited about this, the line-up is amazing and the tickets are only £8

It's in a rad space called Auto-Italia - a massive, collaborative exhibition space and temporary studio, currently residing in a former car showroom in Peckham.

I'd definetly come along if your in london, even if your not the bus down is only £25 return from Glasgow.

1 comment:

Dalai Dahmer said...

Judging by your blog, i think you might like the NORAVE album. It's free over here:

And we're gonna delete it at the end of April. We'e throwing a wee party - an album funeral, if you like - in Stereo if y'fancy it.

Let us know what you think of the album, and feel free to pass it about if you like it. If you wanna bam us up on myspace we're at MSPAZ/littlerockrecords