Tuesday, 14 October 2008

October week

I have the week off and nothing to do. I need to try budget my money and only spend money on the essentials. So far I've oly been out once this week. I'm not quite sure if anything is happening, this week is going to end up being a total waste. We're going to head and see yoko oh no play tomorrow at the 13th note and then go see Bean Butler play at Stereo on Saturday. If theres anything else happening in glasgow let me know.

After having my Ipod stolen on the bus I'm back to using my Mums old portable CD player. I'm going to make a mix CD for the bus too college and back so I don't have to carry a load of CD's. I've made a tracklisting but I don't have all the songs on this computer. I'll make it tomorrow and put it up for download, so check back later

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